Building Economic Engagement in the Asia Pacific: A Survey of Thought Leaders
Time is TBD
A survey of thought leaders from Singapore and Indonesia to better understanding and determine economic engagement best practices

Time & Location
Time is TBD
About the event
Thank you for taking the time to participate in the “Building Economic Engagement in the Asia Pacific: A Survey of Thought Leaders” project by the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada.
With this survey, APF Canada explores thought leaders’ perspectives about Singapore’s socio-political, cultural, and economic outlooks to understand the country better and inform Canadian policymakers, businesses, and other stakeholders. Respondents will also be asked about the best ways for foreign partners and businesses to engage with Singapore. Your answers will remain confidential and anonymous and will not be linked to your personal information unless you expressly agree to the attribution. This survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.
While participation in this survey is entirely voluntary and you may leave at any time, we appreciate you completing the entirety of the survey to the best of your abilities. Your opinion and experience are deeply valuable to this study.
Singapore (English): Singapore (Chinese):